(Supplementary announcement) CDFH, on behalf of CDIB, announced the acquisition for the real estate right-of-use assets on June 27, 2022


Date of announcement 2022/09/26
Time of announcement   19:13:01
Date of events 2022/09/26
To which item it meets paragraph 20

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2022/09/26
2.Date of the original announcement and reporting:2022/06/27
3.Summary of the content originally announced and reported:
It was originally announced that from 2022/7/1 to 2023/12/31, CDIB would
lease the 154.96 pings office on the 10F, No. 700, Mingshui Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City and one parking space from KGI Securities
Co., Ltd. The monthly rent (including the parking space) for 2022 is
NT$749,107 (tax included).
Amount of the right-of-use asset: NT$12,725,486. (tax excluded)
4.Reason for change and its main content:
Due to the epidemic, the requirement of physical meetings and manpower
have been reduced. In order to save expenses, 64.45 pings of the lease
office area will be reduced. From 2022/10/1 to 2023/12/31, the office area
leased from KGI Securities Co., Ltd. will be 90.51 pings. The monthly rent
(including the parking space) for 2022 is NT$440,006 (tax included).
Amount of the right-of-use asset: NT$6,666,167 (tax included).
5.Effect on the Company's finance and business after the change:No effect.
6.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

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Supplementary announcement of CDFH for the acquisition of real property right-of-use assets on 2020/4/27
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